Saturday, November 30, 2019

Organisation Study-Sib free essay sample

The South Indian Bank is one of the earliest banks in South India. It has become a major player in banking. It has its operations all over the country and promises to deliver the experience of next generation banking. The business of SIB is growing at higher rate both in respect of deposits and advances. SIB offers a variety of loans for different categories of people. It extends two types of credit facilities to their corporate customers. The first type known as Working capital finance is extended to meet the day to day short term operational requirements of the borrower. The second type of finance in the form of short term and medium term loans is provided to customers to meet the long term capital requirements for setting up the new project, expansion and diversification of the existing project and so on. It is the funds of depositor? s i. e. , the general public that are mobilized by means of advances. Thus it is extremely important for the bank to assess the risk associated with the credit. The process of credit rating begins when the customer approaches the bank and applies for credit. The SIB has a special department called the Integrated Risk Management Department (IRMD). The branch forwards the application to the Regional Office which initially conduct a rating and sent for evaluation to IRMD. Based on the parameters set by the Board of SIB, the IRMD analyses the details and rates the prospective customer. If the bank finds the customer eligible, the loan is sanctioned. The South Indian Bank has a comprehensive credit management policy which was tailored to fall in line with the banking guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India. The study is based on the credit rating process of loans in South Indian Bank. Finance today, holds the key to all human activity. It consists of raising, providing and managing of all money, capital or fund of any type to be used in connection with the business. Banks being money transacting enterprises require finance as „raw material? for manufacturing the finished goods i. e. , Credit. The upswing in the Indian economy, the younger population, the low penetration of banking services in the country and the host of other factors, the Indian banking sector today stands on the threshold of exponential growth. Without a sound and effective banking system of India should not only be hassle free but it should be able to meet new challenges posed by the technology and any other external and internal factors. For the past three decades India? s banking system has several outstanding achievements to its credit. The most striking is its extensive reach. It is no longer confined to only metropolitans or cosmopolitan in India. In fact, Indian banking system has reached even to the remote corner of the country. This is one of the main reasons of India? s growth process. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report, India could become the third largest banking hub in the world by 2040. 3 Banking in India Banking in India originated in the last decades of 18th century. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of India, a government-owned bank that traces its origin back to June 1806 and that is the largest commercial bank in the country. Central banking is the responsibility of the Reserve Bank of India, which in 1935 formally took over these responsibilities from the then Imperial Bank of India, relegating it to commercial banking functions. After Indias independence in 1947, the Reserve Bank was nationalized and given broader powers. In 1969, the government nationalized the 14 largest commercial banks; the government nationalized the six next largest in 1980. Origin The word „bank? is derived from the Greek word Banque or Italian word Banco. Both means a bench at which money lenders and money changers used to display their coins and transacts their business in market lace. As per Section 5(b) of Banking Regulation Act, 1949, banking means the accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawable by cheque, draft, and order or otherwise. Currently, India has 96 scheduled commercial banks, 27 public sector banks, 31 private banks and 38 foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 55. 000 branches and 44,000 ATMs. According to a report by ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over 70% of total assets of the banking Industry, with the private and foreign banks holding 20. % and 9. 8% respectively. Early History At the end of late 18th century, there were hardly any banks in India in the modern sense of the term. With large exposure to speculative ventures, most of the banks opened in India during that period could not survive and failed. The depositors lost money and lost interest in keeping deposits with banks. Subsequently, banking in India remained the exclusive domain of Europeans for next several decades until the beginning of the 20th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Indian economy was passing through a relative period of stability. Around five decades have elapsed since the Indias First war of Independence, and the social, industrial and other infrastructure have developed. At that time there were very small banks operated by Indians, and most of them were owned and operated by particular communities. The banking in India was controlled and dominated by the presidency banks, namely, the Bank of Bombay, the Bank of Bengal, and the Bank of Madras which later on merged to form the Imperial Bank of India, and Imperial Bank of India, upon Indias independence, was renamed as the State Bank of India. There were also some Exchange banks, as also a number of Indian joint stock banks. All these banks operated in different segments of the economy. 4 The Presidency banks were like the central banks and discharged most of the functions of central banks. They were established under charters from the British East India Company. The exchange banks, mostly owned by the Europeans, concentrated on financing of foreign trade. Indian joint stock banks were generally undercapitalized and lacked the experience and maturity to compete with the Presidency banks, and the Exchange banks. There was potential for many new banks as the economy was growing. Lord Curzon had observed then in the context of Indian banking: In respect of banking it seems we are behind the times. We are like some old fashioned sailing ship, divided by solid wooden bulkheads into separate and cumbersome compartments. Under these circumstances, many Indians came forward to set up banks, and many banks were set up at that time, a number of which have survived to the present such as Bank of India and Corporation Bank, Indian Bank, Bank of Baroda, and Canara Bank. Post-Independence The partition of India in 1947 had adversely impacted the economies of Punjab and West Bengal, and banking activities had remained paralyzed for months. Indias independence marked the end of a regime of the Laissez-faire for the Indian banking. The Government of India initiated measures to play an active role in the economic life of the nation, and the Industrial Policy Resolution adopted by the government in 1948 envisaged a mixed economy. This resulted into greater involvement of the state in different segments of the economy including banking and finance. The major steps to regulate banking included: ? In 1948, the Reserve Bank of India, India? s central banking authority was nationalized, and it became an institution owned by the Government of India. ? In 1949, the Banking Regulation Act was enacted which empowered the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to regulate, control, and inspect the banks in India. ? The Banking Regulation Act also provided that no new bank or branch of an existing bank could be opened without a licence from the RBI, and no two banks could have common directors. Nationalization By the 1960s, the Indian banking industry has become an important tool to facilitate the development of the Indian economy. At the same time, it has emerged as a large employer, and a debate has ensued about the possibility to nationalize the banking industry. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the-then Prime Minister of India expressed the intention of the Government of India in the annual conference of the All India Congress Meeting in a paper entitled Stray thoughts on Bank Nationalization. † The paper was received with positive enthusiasm. Thereafter, her move was swift and sudden, and the Government of India issued an ordinance and nationalized the largest commercial banks with effect from the midnight of July 19, 1969. Within two weeks of the issue of the ordinance, the Parliament passed the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of 5 Undertaking) Bill, and it received the presidential approval on 9th August, 1969. After the nationalization of banks in India, the branches of the public sector banks rose approximately to 800% in deposits and advances took a huge jump by 11,000%. †¢ 1955: Nationalization of State Bank of India. †¢ 1959: Nationalization of SBI subsidiaries. †¢ 1969: Nationalization of 14 major banks. †¢ 1980: Nationalization of 7 banks with deposits over 200crore. Liberalization In the early 1990s, the then government headed by Mr P V Narasimha Rao embarked on a policy of liberalization and gave licenses to a small number of private banks, which came to be known as New Generation tech-savvy banks, which included banks such as Global Trust Bank which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, Axis Bank (earlier as UTI Bank), ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank etc. This move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of India, revitalized the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong contribution from all the three sectors of banks, namely, government banks, private banks and foreign banks.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

But I Dont Have Clips

But I Dont Have Clips When pitching to freelance markets, you feel the need to demonstrate your prowess. After all, your query is a resume of sorts, with you proving to the other side that you have what it takes to write for them. But what if you have not published yet? My best suggestion for this dilemma is to write for trade magazines to collect those first clips. Why? Because they are more interested in you being an expert in a subject than being a writer. My first clips came about not because I was a writer, but because of my experiences and educational background. You have that same opportunity. My very first clip was an essay in an anthology about my Christmas divorce. I never stated I could write or that Id never published before. I just wrote well and submitted. While it wasnt a trade, it was a clip. I could call myself a writer. Not long after, I pitched to a landscape management magazine, a trade. My degree is in agronomy, so when a landscaper came to the door of my newly constructed home, asking if he could give me an estimate for some work, I said sure. Unfortunately, he started talking to me as if I barely knew what dirt was, talking in elementary terms. I let him go on and on until finally I told him about my degree and maybe he could now talk seriously about what he could offer me. That afternoon I pitched that piece and received an acceptance in thirty minutes. I had a clip. I pitched an article about grants for writers to Writers Digest. Having recently left a career with the federal government, I understood where grants were and how to apply. They not only purchased it, but reprinted it several times, paying me each time. I moved not long after and again found myself putting sod down on a new yard, only it was three acres and required an irrigation system. I pitched TURF Magazine and did a profile on the company that installed my system, offering the pictures as well. My youngest son struggled in college, making me gray-headed with worry. So I did a piece on where a college student could find moral support on a college campus for College Bound Teen. I pitched a piece to a womens business newsletter about fighting the glass ceiling and enduring an EEO case. See? Step back from your life and note your experience. Therein lies your first clip. Its easier than you think. Just never let them know youve never published before, and they can solely focus on the experience you do have.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Career Goals and Learning Plan Paper

Career Goals and Learning Plan Paper Throughout the years, when it comes to personal and business tasks, it has been my experience that I have bad times, and good times during the day. In reference to my optimal learning time I find that during the early morning hours, I am able to read, write, and thoroughly soak up new information until late afternoon. It is very hard for me to begin a task during late afternoon and evening hours, however, once I begin, I wind up, and begin working until early morning. I get no rest this way. According to Carter, Bishop, and Lyman (2007) â€Å"Knowing how you learn helps you choose study techniques that capitalize on your strengths† (Chapter 2, p. 49). After reviewing my results from the Multiple Intelligence test and the Personality Spectrum I realize that I am a â€Å"Visual /Spatial, (a visual) learner†. I learn best when I highlight the most important points in a document, journal, or book using different colors (the colors identify the priority of a statement). I also find it useful when I group all the information that I have highlighted into one document. Viewing videos on a subject, for me, helps me retain more information. In the past videos have been valuable tools as regards to my leaning style. Malcolm Knowles (2005), a pioneer in the field of adult learning believed that; adults need to see more clearly how what they are being asked to learn will benefit them; for adults, learning is much more utilitarian than it is for children. He explained that adults are motivated to learn from being in situations in which they see a need to learn, adults also learn from their experiences, and are resentful of being told what to learn. Therefore, the most productive adult learning comes from the analysis of adult experience (p. 75). My accumulated life experiences have enabled me to become a better student. However, I am not in complete agreement that adults are resentful of being told what to learn. How can one obtain a degree, or maintain a job if they resent authority? I have my own theory about that. I believe that some people, not all, are intimidated by adults because of their life experience; therefore, they automatically assume that we are resentful. For me every day is a life, learning experience. I meet so many people, from all over the world on a daily basis and I embrace and enjoy the experience of being taught, told, and learning from their knowledge. Knowledge is a gift. We can only benefit if we listen. I learned the art of listening at a very young age and I am glad that I adhere to it. Acknowledging, and accepting authority is a sign of respect. During my undergraduate studies, a young, 27 year old Instructor, tutored me, and made it possible for me to pass a Statistics class. My experiences in life have taught me how to become a motivated, and respectful adult learner. Kearns and Gardiner (2007) explained that (as cited by Gillespie, Walsh, Winfield, Dua, and Stough, 2003, p. 53-72) â€Å"Today’s students will tell you that demands of lectures, study, assignments, exams, technology and work, there is barely any time for life. Recent studies indicate these time pressures seem to be getting more critical for already overworked university staff and students† (p. 235). Fitsimmons (2008). Stated that Good Planning ensures that you get to a desirable end with a project or other effort, whether that project is something specific to your library workplace, or your whole career† (p. 61). I began by making a To Do List that corresponds with my class syllables, and my work assignments. When studying, I begin with the most difficult subject or task. Fortunately, I am self employed; therefore, it is easy to set my client appointments around my scho ol schedule. In reference to how I organize my assignments. I create individuals on my computer folders for my discussions, my assigned readings, my research, and my assignments. I pick a time to complete my work and as each task is completed I mark it off on the syllables as done. It is much easier when I scan through the assigned readings, (highlighting the important points) first, and then I move on to completing my assigned work. I follow the guidelines of thinking like the writer when I read in order to get a complete understanding of what I am reading. I leave enough time for work, family, me time and social time. But even at those times I am asking questions while speaking to family and friends who are interested in what I am doing. Good planning is the only way to succeed with time management. Kearns and Gardiner (2007) identified four main time management behaviors: â€Å"having a clear purpose in your career† (being clear about your personal goals), â€Å"planning and prioritizing† (setting aside time, and creating a planning schedule that allows you to complete tasks), â€Å"avoiding interruptions and distractions† and â€Å"being organized which includes being tidy, quickly responding to mails, and having an efficient filing system† (p. 1). Staying optimistic, believing in the magic of my dreams (visualizing), I have learned to manage the stress associated with my decision to return to school to obtain a Master’s in the Science Psychology. There are many career paths that are available with this degree. With a Masters Degrees I may be able to apply for positions in group counseling practices, clinics, program for specific populations (drug abusers, battered wives, etc. ), and employee assistance programs. A masters degree gives you more occupational advantages than a bachelors degree, but less than a doctoral degree. My preferred career path is to work with homeless and abused and battered women. I have first hand, and second hand experience in dealing women in this situation. However, I have been out of the workforce for many years, and I realize that I may need to complete some extensive volunteer work, in order that I may demonstrate that I have an immense amount of experience in this field. With my cosmic interpersonal skills I would become an asset to any agency. There are also other careers that interest me, such as, Case Worker, Director of Volunteer Services, Drug/Substance Abuse Counseling (which requires a certificate in Casack Substance Counseling), Program Manager, and College Admissions Counseling. In Conclusion, being optimistic about knowing my learning style, staying organized, and giving myself time to work on my studies, keeps me healthier, less stressed and more successful in completing my personal goals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Essay Example The essay "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" examines isolation theme in Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Stephen appears as a character, which we can see from inside as we are able to note his inner transactions and developments with the passage of time. Before A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, no other writer wrote like Joyce. It was for the first time that a character was seen in terms of his psychological development. Stephen is introduced first in the novel as three years old boy that proceeds towards his vocation of an artist by a continuous psychological development. Stephen starts his education at Clongowes Wood College, which is a Jesuit boarding school for boys but later on, he has to get admission in another educational institution, which is less prestigious as compared to Clongowes Wood College on the basis of financial problems faced by his father. At Clongowes Wood College, he is to suffer embarrassment on the basis of his distant thin king. He is unable to connect to his peers because of his isolated nature and search for his self-identity. His new boarding school is Belvedere College. Stephen is portrayed as a good student, an excellent essay writer, who wins awards and a good actor while being at Belvedere College. Stephen is a promising student but he is unable to feel attachment to his surroundings. He considers himself somewhat separated. Unlike other students of his class, Stephen is somewhat sceptic about the religion.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Development of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Health Care - Essay Example In Elizabethan times, parishes had to bear with the responsibility of taking care of the poor living in the community (Liverpool Echo 2009). The poor in those days could benefit from "outdoor relief" in the form of food, clothing and fuel. However, with an unwieldy appreciation in the poor population, the parishes decided to withdraw this already insufficient outdoor relief and started resorting to "indoor relief" in the guise of hell like workhouses that required the less miserable amongst the poor lot of Britain to bear with inhuman work conditions in lieu of a pitiable yet indispensable sustenance (Liverpool Echo 2009). However, the things got worst at the start of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. Zillions of workhouses came up all across the UK. Poor Relief reduced to a shameful pittance accessible only to those who were willing to opt for exploitative workhouses instead of a hapless existence. The life in such workhouses was far from being bearable and homely. Comfort was an elusive pie in the sky that was far beyond the reach of even the relatively well to do poor. In fact, the possibility of affiliating to some workhouse was a perpetual fear that haunted the deprived families huddled in the slums to bear with their hopeless existence. Workhouse records and Census returns do elaborately testify to the miserable lot of the poor in the 19th century. Workhouses were a dreaded place divested of all hope and future. The moving spirit behind these workhouses was to keep the living standards of the inmates much below that of the lowest paid labourer. The poor had to bear with subhuman rules and norms, which made their lives frustratingly monotonous (Hull Daily Mail 2007). They ha d to carry their pitiable status with them in the guise of grey tweed suits and blue and white striped dresses (Hull Daily Mail 2007). A harsh policy of gender segregation went to the extent of separating even married couples and siblings.Homelessness and abject poverty appropriated within their scope a plethora of health problems. The life expectancy amongst the workhouse residents was very low and they exhibited some of the highest death rates in the UK. The poor huddled in the workhouses were four times more prone to accidents and thirty five times more likely to commit suicide (Herald Express 2008). Chest and skin infections, gastrointestinal troubles, poor circulation, compromised dental hygiene, anaemia, and visual and nutritional problems perpetually defined the life at a workhouse (Herald Express 2008).Yet, the biggest eliminator tended to be the extreme mental and emotional turmoil that the poor in Britain had to cope up with in these workhouses. The senseless and absurd pr actice of classifying the poor by the criteria of 'deserving poor' and the 'undeserving poor' added insult to injury. The 'deserving' being those who were too old or infirm to work while the 'undeserving' being wandering beggars and destitute. The principle of less eligibility smacked of a festering annoyance and intolerability in the society and the state that intended to keep the unemployed deliberately poor; and vulnerable to or rather forced to taking jobs for which they were essentially unqualified or averse to (Baggot 2004). Of course, such

Saturday, November 16, 2019

United colors of benetton Essay Example for Free

United colors of benetton Essay Society permits ever individual to live their own identity and style. This new trend of freedom has developed more in the past few years. The color trends for fall 2009 can be divided into three categories including: Chic, Classic and Casual colors reflecting the general mood of the people. CHIC: These shades are mostly reflected by digital prints. This trend highlights the solid and cold tones including mid night blues, earthly tones and deep pinks which creates a world of playful and attractive patterns. The combination of blues and browns create a turbulent and attractive combination. CLASSIC: This theme includes mainly greens and earthly colors in combinations. These are mainly the diluted color effects. These two colors mixed together give the effect of foggy and gray shades. CASUAL: These combinations reflect the shady technologies. Juicy orange, scarlet and neutral nuances combine in a tremendously attractive manner. This creates a magic formula reflecting the soothing whether of winter and the cloudy climate of the fall season. Chic Classic Casual Fashion Trendsetter. (n. d. ) The browns greens and blues reflect the cozy environment for winter however the fabric trends for winter 2009 include silk, knitwear, wool, cotton and some of the functional fabrics (Fashion Trendsetter, n. d. ). Decoration is a special fashion impulse and thus this winter it is represented more discreetly by the seductive effect given by silk. To enhance the beauty and attractiveness of a female silk is re introduced this winter. It will however the coming season strive for a more decent and sophisticated effect of graphic prints and motifs. The touch of embroideries enhances the beauty of silk, satin and crape. They enrich the out fits with feminine touch. The embroideries include dark bronze oxidized and copper shades. This gives them a lavish complexity. To interpret the winter season both for men and women, knit wear made a new entry for them. Comfortable and cozy as the season of winter is, it is complimented by the woolen knit wear and some Milano- jersey as a contemporary out fit. Cotton re defines it self this winter. To reflect the casual attitude slightly over dyed compressed cotton is going to be in fashion again. The cotton prints include mixed and blurred checks and stripes. The artistic design includes ornamental patterns, pictorial designs and fast abstract paintings. Cotton Artistic Designs Cosmo Worlds (n. d. ). Silhouette is a picture in which the outline of the subject is visible. It involves two colors the subject is white and the background is black. This image is used by all the designers in United colors of Benetton to reinforce the design of the fabric and to enhance the color combination and color scheme. The merchandise assortment reinforces the over all design details. The different shades of colors arranged and displayed on the silhouettes enhance the overall affect of the merchandise and fabric arranged (CosmoWorlds,n. d. ). The type of fabric and color combination combined together enhances the effect of the design. As the silhouette gives the overall resemblance of the subject with no prominent features the color scheme used and the designs and fabrics used are very important, this will enhance the credibility of the work. The design and the forecasted trend of color and fabric will be understood well by the customers and the clients as the display will be effective. References: CosmoWorlds(n.. d. ). Fabric Trends Winter 2008/09. Retrieved August 21,2008 from http://www. cosmoworlds. com/trends/trends_2008_2009-texworld_fabric_trends-08122007. htm Fashion Trendsetter. (n. d. ) TFL Fashion Color Inspirations Autumn/Winter 2009/2010. Retrieved August 21, 2008 from http://www. fashiontrendsetter. com/content/color_trends/2008/TFL-Color-Trends. Krom, Peter. (2008). How to photograph silhouettes

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Delaware :: essays research papers

Delaware Delaware is a really cool state. I say that because there is not a whole-lot of crime there and for country folks it’s great because there is a lot of cows and pigs, but there are also a lot of cars there too. It was some rivers and creeks land definition and tons of history, but there isn’t very many people there compared to California. Delaware has gained 2 nicknames over the years, The First State and The Diamond State. It got the nickname The First State because it was the first state to ratify the constitution. It got the nickname the Diamond State because they are the world leaders in diamond mining. Delaware was some really neat geography because they have swamps, rivers, lakes, but they really don’t really have a lot mountains. They have the biggest natural cypress swamp in the world and Pocomoke Swamp the northern most swamp in the United States. They have a couple rivers the Christina and Brandywine Creek. As for lakes the have Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay. Delaware has a lot of economic activity. More than 80% of Delaware’s farm income is from the production of broiler chickens and a variety of other things including soybeans, greenhouse products and corn. Milk is also produced considering that Delaware was more cows than they know what to do with. Fishing is declining but crabs, shad, cod, oysters and clams are caught. Delaware has many useful industries. Delaware industries major in food processing, primary metals, machinery, leather goods, fabricated metals, printing and publishing. They also make a whole- lot of textiles like linoleum. They also make a lot of chemicals and cars. They are one of the most popular car states in the United States. Delaware’s climate is on the cold side with the average temperature in January is 32 and 72 in July. Delaware is also on the storm track of the Gulf of Mexico. Delaware’s average rainfall is about 44 inches. Delaware has common natural resources. Kaolin is the most significant natural resource followed by granite, gravel, and clay (used to make brick and tiles). Hydroelectric power hasn’t been developed yet. The Coastal Zone act was passed in 1971. Communications in Delaware are simple. Delaware has 2 daily newspaper and several weeklies. Public Television is very popular in Delaware. Of course they also have phones and faxes and stuff like that.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci

Leonardo was a man of many different talents; among those talents were polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer, writer, geologist, anatomist, cartographer, anatomist, and botanist. Leonardo was primarily known for his painting (Mona Lisa, the last supper, Vitamins Man), and his fascinating inventions (Helicopter, tank, flying Machine, Viola Organists) which I will be talking about in depth in my research paper. First study science, and then follow with practice based on science†¦..The painter who draws by practice and judgment of the eye without the use of reason is like the mirror the reproduces within itself all the objects which are set opposite to it without knowledge of the same†¦. The youth ought first to learn perspective, then the proportions of everything, then he should learn from the hand off good master. Leonardo Dad Vinci The Renaissance marked the transition point from the middle ages to the modern world. Young Leonardo Did Seer Piper Dad Vince received his education of Painter, sculptor, and engineering in Florence in the early sass.In a time when coming with a new approach toward science was considered a direct insult or challenge to the church, Leonardo managed to project his new finding of science, Mathematics formulas, and logical reasoning without creating a new reform of cultural beliefs. Among his reaction we can find what is considered to be an early predecessor of today's helicopter. Between 1480 and 1493 Leonardo Dad Vinci designed what is known today as the â€Å"Aerial Screw' or also known as the â€Å"Helical Air Screw'.Leonardo Helical Air Screw measure approximately fifteen feet across and the material used to build it were reed, linen, and wire. The main power proportion came from four men that were standing in the middle of the craft rotating different pedals in order to rotate the screw like shaft (See figure L-1). Leonardo was a very methodical reader and writer. He often read books that interest him with pen on hand. He was so critical of himself that he used to describe his though in writing, and draw them most of the time in order to retrace his thinking.In the old time it was common for inventors to read others innovators ideas in order to create new ones or reproduce the same invention with improvements. One of those creations was the Leonardo â€Å"Assault Vehicle†. After researching Roberto Evaluator's â€Å"De re military', Leonardo Dad Vinci went ahead and created the Assault Vehicle with a technology that was unheard of at the time. Due to the lack of funds and the war at the Apennines Peninsula Leonardo had o restrain his master creation to Just a blueprint.The Assault Vehicle had an upside- down cone shape with four wheels at the bottom, and a crankshaft for propulsion. Been that Leonardo was so critical of his own invention, he decided to make improvement to his own invention at a later time. One of those improvements was the vehicle self-propulsion. Leonardo achieved this improvement by creating a spring-power system (As the Motor), and an innovated differential transmission system. (L-2 Picture of Assault Vehicle) Another area in which Leonardo Dad Vinci broke new ground was painting.But to his misfortune in life by 1514 most of his paintings were not completed due to lack of commissions and Italian's wars. One of those paintings happened to be the â€Å"Mona Lisa† or â€Å"La Cocooned† a 16th century oil painting portray of â€Å"Lisa did Antonio Maria Grenadine† which in today's expert opinion it is one of the most impossible to comprehend painting in the history of art. Leonardo started to paint the Mona Lisa in 1503 under the commission of Francesco did Bartholomew did Zinnia del Giaconda and finished nil 519 shortly before he died.By 1511 Leonardo had to migrate under the Melee family protection to Vapor where he sided and produced magnificent creation of arts for two years in order to repay the Melee family hospitality. While at Vapor Leonardo continued to develop his new projects and improving his paintings knowing that sooner or later he will have to find a more suitable patron in order to be able to finance his work. The solution to financial impasse came in February 1 513 in the hand of Giovanni De' Medici, the younger descendent of Lorenz IL Magnificent. With the death of Pope Julius II in Rome and Giovanni asserted to papacy under the name of Pope Leo X.Giuliani De' Medici rather of Pope Leo X and by them commander of the papal army, invited Leonardo to Rome for his knowledge of art and military technology. The invitation to Rome by Giuliani De' Medici was the opportunity that Leonardo Dad Vinci was waiting for. Unlimited commissions, immeasurable social status, and a very power full patron. What else? By September 1513 Leonardo relocated himself back to Rome where he was accommodated in the Vatican luxury Belvedere villas together with all his painting including some half stages such us the Lead, the Mona Lisa, and the Saint Anne. Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Leonardo was a man of many different talents; among those talents were polymath, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, inventor, engineer, writer, geologist, anatomist, cartographer, anatomist, and botanist. Leonardo was primarily known for his painting (Mona Lisa, the last supper, Vitamins Man), and his fascinating inventions (Helicopter, tank, flying Machine, Viola Organists) which I will be talking about in depth in my research paper. First study science, and then follow with practice based on science†¦..The painter who draws by practice and judgment of the eye without the use of reason is like the mirror the reproduces within itself all the objects which are set opposite to it without knowledge of the same†¦. The youth ought first to learn perspective, then the proportions of everything, then he should learn from the hand off good master. Leonardo Dad Vinci The Renaissance marked the transition point from the middle ages to the modern world. Young Leonardo Did Seer Piper Dad Vince received his education of Painter, sculptor, and engineering in Florence in the early sass.In a time when coming with a new approach toward science was considered a direct insult or challenge to the church, Leonardo managed to project his new finding of science, Mathematics formulas, and logical reasoning without creating a new reform of cultural beliefs. Among his reaction we can find what is considered to be an early predecessor of today's helicopter. Between 1480 and 1493 Leonardo Dad Vinci designed what is known today as the â€Å"Aerial Screw' or also known as the â€Å"Helical Air Screw'.Leonardo Helical Air Screw measure approximately fifteen feet across and the material used to build it were reed, linen, and wire. The main power proportion came from four men that were standing in the middle of the craft rotating different pedals in order to rotate the screw like shaft (See figure L-1). Leonardo was a very methodical reader and writer. He often read books that interest him with pen on hand. He was so critical of himself that he used to describe his though in writing, and draw them most of the time in order to retrace his thinking.In the old time it was common for inventors to read others innovators ideas in order to create new ones or reproduce the same invention with improvements. One of those creations was the Leonardo â€Å"Assault Vehicle†. After researching Roberto Evaluator's â€Å"De re military', Leonardo Dad Vinci went ahead and created the Assault Vehicle with a technology that was unheard of at the time. Due to the lack of funds and the war at the Apennines Peninsula Leonardo had o restrain his master creation to Just a blueprint.The Assault Vehicle had an upside- down cone shape with four wheels at the bottom, and a crankshaft for propulsion. Been that Leonardo was so critical of his own invention, he decided to make improvement to his own invention at a later time. One of those improvements was the vehicle self-propulsion. Leonardo achieved this improvement by creating a spring-power system (As the Motor), and an innovated differential transmission system. (L-2 Picture of Assault Vehicle) Another area in which Leonardo Dad Vinci broke new ground was painting.But to his misfortune in life by 1514 most of his paintings were not completed due to lack of commissions and Italian's wars. One of those paintings happened to be the â€Å"Mona Lisa† or â€Å"La Cocooned† a 16th century oil painting portray of â€Å"Lisa did Antonio Maria Grenadine† which in today's expert opinion it is one of the most impossible to comprehend painting in the history of art. Leonardo started to paint the Mona Lisa in 1503 under the commission of Francesco did Bartholomew did Zinnia del Giaconda and finished nil 519 shortly before he died.By 1511 Leonardo had to migrate under the Melee family protection to Vapor where he sided and produced magnificent creation of arts for two years in order to repay the Melee family hospitality. While at Vapor Leonardo continued to develop his new projects and improving his paintings knowing that sooner or later he will have to find a more suitable patron in order to be able to finance his work. The solution to financial impasse came in February 1 513 in the hand of Giovanni De' Medici, the younger descendent of Lorenz IL Magnificent. With the death of Pope Julius II in Rome and Giovanni asserted to papacy under the name of Pope Leo X.Giuliani De' Medici rather of Pope Leo X and by them commander of the papal army, invited Leonardo to Rome for his knowledge of art and military technology. The invitation to Rome by Giuliani De' Medici was the opportunity that Leonardo Dad Vinci was waiting for. Unlimited commissions, immeasurable social status, and a very power full patron. What else? By September 1513 Leonardo relocated himself back to Rome where he was accommodated in the Vatican luxury Belvedere villas together with all his painting including some half stages such us the Lead, the Mona Lisa, and the Saint Anne.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Childrens literature Essay

Child development was broken down into four theories. These theories focused on intellectual and cognitive development as well as social development and moral judgment development. Theoretical models can be applied to children’s literature by different kinds of books. Children in the younger ages enjoy books like Dr. Seuss the cat in the hat or The Bernstein bears books that focus on things like right from wrong and education. Children learn from these kinds of books at a young age and the books can be related to their lives. As children get older books become more meaningful and become something they can relate to. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is the book I chose, because I felt like it was well known and something children could connect to and enjoy. The story of Harry Potter can be related to by many children. The trials the he faces as a boy living with his aunt and uncle in the â€Å"non-magic† world can be understood by some who have encountered the same things. He was unappreciated, bullied, made fun of, and treated unfairly just because he was unliked. On his eleventh birthday he finds out that he is actually a wizard and there is a school for kids just like him. His parents, who were killed when he was a baby, were also magic people, and he was excited to be able to learn about them. At the school, Hogwarts, he is befriended by two people who truly become his best friends and family, and he is finally happy to know there are people who care about him. I think this book can be related to Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Development. Piaget’s cognitive theory of development was outlined into four periods of intelligent development. The sensorimotor period, the preoperational period, the period of concrete operations, and period of formal operations. The period of formal operations hits right at the age group that the Harry Potter series was intended for. This period occurs between the ages of eleven and fifteen when young people begin to use formal logic, engage in a true exchange of ideas, comprehend the viewpoints of others, and understand what it means to live in society. Most readers of this stage have entered adolescence and are ready for more mature topics. I think that this theory applies to this book as kids can relate to Harry’s life with the Dursley’s and the world he is living in. After finding out he is a wizard they can also relate to all the situations he will face while  there at Hogwarts. Children can use their imagination to take them away into their own world where they can get away from reality even for a moment. As far as the book itself goes, literary criticism is meant to interpret the meaning of literature. I believe this book is approached by formal criticism. Formal criticism focuses on the work itself rather than the literary history of the book. When I read this book I am not worried about the author and her life or anything about the literature. I am focused on the action and story itself and the suspense it brings to its readers. I found this criticism part of the paper a little more challenging, but I agree with my decision as I did not think that any of the others fit. There is much that children and even adults can learn from reading books. There are books for children ages zero to three that focus mainly on shapes, colors, animals, and numbers. There are books for younger children up until age ten that are about little girls or boys and their adventures that they go on with their imaginary friends. Books about friendship and forgiveness that teach children to be kind and considerate of others as well as unselfish and giving. Books for ages eleven to fifteen that focus on life as a teenager when your mother or father does not understand you and you are desperately trying to figure out who you are. Books that can teach compassion and loyalty to family and friends and just overall make you imagine worlds you could have never dreamed of. Finally to the ages of sixteen to nineteen when you are googling over that boy or girl you so wish would notice you or even if you are interested in the fantasy world of dragons and wizards, there is a book out there that can teach every one of us something about ourselves. Books are out there to teach us new things and take us places we never knew we could go. It is all about actually reading what the author has to say and listening. For me reading was a way of life and something that made me who I am today. I encourage reading for everyone and I hope that my son is as passionate about reading as I am. References Russell D. L. (2008) Pearson education, Ch. 2: The Study of Childhood: pg. 1 The Discover of Childhood. Russell D. L. (2008) Pearson education, Ch. 3: The Study of Literature; para. 20 Literary Criticism.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Read George Saunders “Lincoln in the Bardo”

How to Read George Saunders' â€Å"Lincoln in the Bardo† Lincoln in the Bardo, the novel by  George Saunders, has become one of those books everyone is talking about. It  spent two weeks on The New York Times bestseller list, and has been the subject of numerous hot takes, think pieces, and other literary essays. Not many debut novelists get this kind of adulation and attention. Not all debut novelists are George Saunders.  Saunders has already made his reputation as a modern master of the short story- which explains his low profile, even among avid readers. Short stories usually don’t get much attention unless your name is Hemingway or Stephen King- but the story has been having a bit of a Moment in recent years as Hollywood has discovered that you can base entire feature films on shorter works, as they did with the Oscar-nominated Arrival (based on the short story Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang). Saunders is a delightful writer who combines a sharp intelligence and wit with science fiction tropes and a keen understanding of how people live and think to produce unexpected, unusual, and often thrilling stories that go in directions no one can possibly claim to have predicted. Before you rush off to buy a copy of Lincoln in the Bardo, however, a word of warning: Saunders is deep stuff. You can’t- or at least you shouldn’t- just dive in. Saunders has created a novel that really is different from any other that has come before, and here are a few tips on how to read it. Read His Shorts This is a novel, it really is, but Saunders honed his craft in the field of short stories, and it shows. Saunders divides his story up in smaller stories- the basic plot is that Abraham Lincoln’s son, Willie, has just died of fever in 1862 (which really happened). Willie’s soul is now in the Bardo, a state of being in-between death and what comes later. Adults can remain in the Bardo indefinitely through sheer willpower, but if children don’t shuffle off quickly they start to suffer horribly. When the President visits his son and cradles his body, Willie decides not to move on- and the other ghosts in the graveyard decide they must convince him to go for his own good. Each ghost gets to tell stories, and Saunders further divides the book into other snippets. Essentially, reading the novel is like reading dozens of interconnected short stories- so bone up on Saunders’ short work. For starters, check out CivilWarLand in Bad Decline, which is not at all what you think it is. Two others you can’t miss would be 400 Pound CEO (in the same collection) and The Semplica Girl Diaries, in his collection Tenth of December. Don’t Panic Some folks might be tempted to assume this is too much for them- too much history, too much literary trickery, too many characters. Saunders doesn’t hold your hand, that’s true, and the opening of the book is deep, lush, and extremely detailed. But don’t panic- Saunders knows that what he’s done here might be overwhelming to some, and he’s structured the book with alternating waves of energy- highs and lows. Make it through the first few dozen pages and you’ll start to see how Saunders offers up a moment to catch your breath as he slides in and out of the main narrative. Watch for the Fake News When Saunders dives out of the narrative, he offers up the personal stories of the ghosts as well as glimpses of Lincoln’s life before and after his son died. While these scenes are offered up realistically, with the dry tone of historical fact, they’re not all true; Saunders mixes real events with imagined ones pretty freely, and without warning. So don’t assume that anything Saunders describes in the book as part of history really happened. Ignore the Citations Those historic snippets are often offered with citations, which serve to both burnish that sense of realism (even for the imagined moments) and root the story in the real 19th century. But a curious thing will happen if you simply ignore the credits- the veracity of the scenes ceases to matter, and the voice of history becomes just another ghost telling its tale, which is a little mind blowing if you allow yourself to sit with it a while. Skip the citations and the book will be even more entertaining, and a little easier to read. George Saunders is a genius, and Lincoln in the Bardo will no doubt remain one of those books that people want to talk about for years to come. The only question is, will Saunders come back with another long-form story, or will he go back to short stories?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Garbology Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Garbology Assignment - Essay Example ermined person with a strong belief in my cause, which is why I have managed to stick to what I think is right despite the many temptations that I may see or even smell in daily life. Considering all that, it would not be a big step to assume that I have a soft spot for animals and may be an animal rights activist, that I may be the type to be following organizations such as PETA which help out the creatures. This may also lead one to think that I do not own any products for which an animal may have been sacrificed. These could be minks or anything made of leather like jackets, boots and bags. The next thing that one may notice are the white, disposable cups, plates and even the cutlery: forks and spoons. This could either mean that I do order take out despite the vegetable and fruit peels seen earlier perhaps when I am, supposedly, too tired to cook. Or it could also mean that I do not like washing dishes which is why I have bought the disposable items. Maybe I am allergic to the contents of the washing liquids. One may even assume that I have enough money to be doing that on a daily purpose. Buying and throwing away paper utensils when I could have just spent some money on some china, which would be durable and save me money in the long run and is just so much more sensible. Next, there are lots of empty wrappers of some kinds of candies and even chocolates. But, one cannot see any packets of crisps or any other savory eatable, which are usually so very popular, particularly amongst the youngsters. This is a dead giveaway about me having a sweet tooth and not caring much about the salty or spicy food that is available is such abundance everywhere. Most of the wrappers are red and yellow colored, which shows how much of a fan I am of Reese’s in particular. There are also several crumpled balls of paper – all stained with blue ink – peeping out from under the rest of the rubbish. One can see tiny writing on some of them instead of the black, printed text,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Eom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eom - Essay Example A very skilled financial advisor having significant success in advising high net worth individuals and corporate clients on investments. Over 6 years understanding in providing financial services and supporting clients in making well-versed decisions by showing them a range of options and helping them to assess the merits of diverse plans. Possessing in depth understanding of mortgages, loans, and venture strategies and efficient hard to customer-driven and sales-focused service. Having exceptional skills, able to work in a embattled situation, as an individual and also part of a team, and experienced at working to strict compliance requirements. Currently seeking a financial advisor position. Modules studied include: Economy; Marketing; Accounting; Organizational Behaviour; International business culture; Management Data Analysis; Consumer behaviour; Supply Chain and Operation Management; Entrepreneurship in a Global context. My position as a student studying higher national diploma in business management makes this an important issue for me  .I realized that most people and financial institutions used a certain form of investment that was of no value to the intuitions and clients. To them, this value was determined solely by whether something could be invested in other ways, whether something was marketable or not.   In contrast, the inventors seemed quite shy and hesitant to use anything more than technical language, approximately as if this was the only proof essential – as if no further clarification was needed This variation enforced me to replicate on the aims of this course how communication skills are not standard, but be different according to time and place. Like in the ‘Research Methodology’ model discussed in the initial lecture, these testimonial skills are the consequence of a form of